<% 'Ãâó : http://www.brettb.com/rot13_encoding_with_asp.asp '¹ø¿ª : http://translate.google.co.kr/translate?hl=ko&sl=en&u=http://www.brettb.com/rot13_encoding_with_asp.asp rot13text = "yelm" '¾Ïȣȭ ÇÒ ÅؽºÆ®¸¦ ´ã´Â´Ù. Response.write rot13text Response.write " -> " text = rot13(rot13text) '¾Ïȣȭ °á°ú Response.write text Response.write "
" '---------------------------------- ¾Ïȣȭ¸¦ ¼öÇàÇÏ´Â Function ---------------------------------- ' rot13 function - a function to encode and decode text strings using the popular ROT13 method ' note that ROT13 does not encrypt strings, so do not use it if security is an issue! Function rot13(rot13text) rot13text_rotated = "" ' the function will return this string For i = 1 to Len(rot13text) j = Mid(rot13text, i, 1) ' take the next character in the string k = Asc(j) ' find out the character code if k >= 97 and k =< 109 then k = k + 13 ' a ... m inclusive become n ... z elseif k >= 110 and k =< 122 then k = k - 13 ' n ... z inclusive become a ... m elseif k >= 65 and k =< 77 then k = k + 13 ' A ... m inclusive become n ... z elseif k >= 78 and k =< 90 then k = k - 13 ' N ... Z inclusive become A ... M elseif k >= 48 and k =< 57 then k = k - 13 ' 0 ... 9 inclusive become # ... , elseif k >= 35 and k =< 44 then k = k + 13 ' # ... , inclusive become 0 ... 9 end if 'add the current character to the string returned by the function rot13text_rotated = rot13text_rotated & Chr(k) Next rot13 = rot13text_rotated End Function '---------------------------------- ¾Ïȣȭ¸¦ ¼öÇàÇÏ´Â Function ---------------------------------- 'For i = 1 To 128 ' Response.write "Chr(" & i & ") : " & Chr(i) & "
" 'Next %>